Carini Home Services is a Fujitsu Elite Contractor

As one of the only Fujitsu Elite Contractors in San Diego County, Carini Heating, Air and Plumbing is able to offer its customers a unique 12 Year Warranty – 2 years more than regular Fujitsu dealers are able to offer their customers!

“We are very excited to offer this longer warranty on Fujitsu products and we have worked hard to attain our status as one of the County’s only Fujitsu Elite Dealer,” said Gabriel Carini. “To become an Fujitsu Elite Dealer, a company has to be highly trained, with a large number of installations and with excellent customer ratings.”

Carini 12 Yr Warranty Badge
Following is verbiage taken from the Fujitsu Limited Warranty. The standard warranty is ten years, but the additional language added to the warranty now details how the customer gets an additional two years on their warranty when their system is “installed by a Fujitsu Elite Contractor.”

The Standard Limited Warranty covering parts and the compressor(s) will be extended to a period of ten (10) years to the Purchaser if the
following conditions are met:
a) The System is registered within 60 days from the date of installation, or, in the case of a newly constructed home, within 60 days
of the Purchaser’s purchase of the home.
b) The System is installed in a residential single family or owner occupied multifamily home.
c) The Purchaser resides at the location where the System is installed.
d) The System is purchased after June 1, 2015.
e) Defective Parts and Compressor are made available for return to FGAI and become the property of FGAI.

The Standard Limited Warranty covering parts and the compressor(s) will be extended to a period of twelve (12) years to the Purchaser if, in addition to meeting the conditions of Section 1.1 (a) and (c)-(f), the System is: (i) installed by a Fujitsu Elite

So, even if a contractor fails to maintain his ELITE status, the customer gets the warranty based on the day it was registered.