Heat Pump Water Heaters Ideal for San Diego Home, Business and Multi-family Applications
San Diego home and business owners may be familiar with energy saving mini split heat pumps for their heating and air conditioning. But many residents are just learning about the same kind of energy saving benefits they can realize with the latest generation of Hybrid Water Heaters, also called Heat Pump Water Heaters. Like their mini split heat pump cousin, Heat Pump Water Heaters use electricity to power components by drawing ambient heat from the air, and then transferring that heat to the tank.
$250 SDG&E Rebate and up to $500 in Federal Tax Credits
Along with great energy saving capabilities, San Diego’s local Utility, SDG&E is offering a $250 instant rebate on the Rheem model PROPH50 T2 RH350, an Energy Star rated system available in 50, 65 and 80 gallon capacities. And these units also qualify for up to a $500 Federal Tax credit. Processing both of these rebates is quick and easy, and Carini Heating, Air and Plumbing, can guide homeowners through the rebate process.
Rheem hit the market with the first heat pump water heater in 2009. Their unique and innovative design featured the industry’s first water heater with a full-color touch-screen control, giving users a powerful backlit touch-screen control. The touch-screen provides homeowner service alerts on a variety of states and potential problems. These controls also allow Carini Heating, Air and Plumbing service techs to receive detailed, text-based diagnostic data, enhancing our ability to more quickly solve problems and recommend troubleshooting and maintenance solutions.
Carini Hybrid Water Heater San Diego Rebates from SDG&E and Federal Tax Credits
For more information about rebates on Rheem Hybrid Water Heaters, also called Heat Pump Water Heaters for San Diego residents, contact Carini Heating, Air and Plumbing, 619-843-0997; info@carinihome.com; www.carinihome.com
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